Aquacade is a submarine puzzle game developed by Kraisoft and published by WildTangent. It takes places underwater, and there are friends that will help you achieve your task. This application is about discovering mysterious items and get points by collecting as many color pearls as possible.
The purpose of this game is to create combos by arranging the color pearls that come out from the sea shells; every time you make a combo you will earn points. The combos change depending on the game mode you play.
This game comes in three modes: Classic, Strategy and Arcade. The first mode is about combos made out of five pearls that are lined up in horizontal, vertical, diagonal way, there will be extra bonuses if there are more than five pearls in a row. In the second mode you have to make square combos made out of four pearls, if you make a combo with more than four, you will get a chain bonus. For the third mode, pearls can be arranged as lined, square or rectangular combos.
This application has a nice looking interface, good sound and video quality. It is a good choice for people all ages. It is also good for those who enjoy puzzle games and like to prove their skills.
Operative Systems:
Microsoft Windows 95, 98, ME, 2000, Server 2003, XP Home and Professional Edition, Vista.